Life in the 1970s...

Life in the 1970s...
top down:
  • Lincolnshire house (two photos)
  • Mickey with daughter Nina after adopting new dog Misty from Orphans of the Storm
  • Mick and Ellen fishing in Wisconsin
  • Mick and Ellen with son Adam and cousins Joanna and Kevin Lezak
  • Mickey and Elizabeth (Ken Devine's first wife) at Harriett & Joe Devine's house
  • Mick at family gathering (late 1970s)
  • Video clip: Mickey at the grill, kids eating corn on the cob (Desplaines, IL early 70s)
  • Video clip: Mickey bringing new puppy (Sundance) home (Desplaines, early 70s)
  • Video clip: Mick shows Adam how the Stretch Armstrong action figure works
  • Video clip: Mick with Corey & Brad Ruda and Adam folding up the hide-a-bed